Do you really believe in your tomorrow’s version?

Ramya Srinivasan
2 min readMay 22, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Disclaimer: I am not going to talk about achieving your future goals.

Have you been in a relationship in which you are very comfortable that you do not want to walk away from it even though you know it is toxic? Believe it or not, we all have gone through it. I am not talking about your ex or sadly current - boyfriend or girlfriend. It is about your bond with procrastination. Yes, even saying that makes me comfortable.

Postponing something is an addiction that is worser than any. Have you ever listened to a motivational story and think “okay, I am going to start doing this first thing tomorrow morning and become like Elon Musk”. There are two problems with this thought those show you are lazy. First is starting tomorrow and second is adding a long term massive goal. We always dream of our next year version rather than thinking about the next hour.

I think it is embedded into our DNA to procrastinate and we know the tomorrow never comes. If you want to stop procrastination, try these simple techniques:

  • Act before procrastinating. If you can finish the job now, do not let your culprit brain to think about it.
  • Think about the happy hours you will have if you finish the task now. Remember you are going to feel the same way tomorrow if you postpone it. Why punish the tomorrow you?
  • If you cannot do the job now, try to do it today itself.
  • Determination is important. All can advise but only you can do it.

Finally, I’ll ask you the question from the title again. Do you really believe in your tomorrow’s version?

No, you don’t. You just don’t believe in your today’s self and think the unknown version would do better. Finish it and get rid of it quickly without having to carry the weight of the thoughts all day. Also, don’t always dream about what you are going to be in five or ten years. Allocate a huge time for your short-term goals and keep track of them. I know, those short-term goals make you scared but those are the ones which will make you stronger. They will make you realize how far you are from your goals and how hard you should work.

So, let’s ‘procast’ procrastination and start finishing work.

Ps: Do not procrastinate starting this. Stay safe! Live happily!



Ramya Srinivasan

Financial research analyst | Sri Lankan | Former banker